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How to make glaze test tiles
There are several ways to make your glaze test tiles: Throwing a ring on the weel Handbuilding from slab Extruding test tiles using Relyef die...
Texture stamps for metal clay
These stamps work perfectly for metal clay. I was delighted with the results I got.I lightly sanded the business end of the stamp to get rid of the...
Texture stamps for soap making
We can't say this from our own experience, but we do have a few satisfied soap maker customers, who gave us these tips for you: tip by Saskia from...
We need to help one another
You know what they say: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” So instead of presenting Relyef stamps at trade shows in Canada...
Homemade Christmas decorations inspiration
Would you like to create your own Christmas decorations? Here are instructions for organic decorations made of cornstarch and baking soda. The whol...

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